马里奥.巴尔加斯.略萨英文简介 100字左右 简单点 (拜托 很急)

马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨(Mario Vargas Llosa),拥有秘鲁与西班牙双重国籍的作家及诗人。创作小说、剧本、散文随笔、诗、文学评论、政论杂文,也曾导演舞台剧、电影和主持广播电视节目及从政。诡谲瑰奇的小说技法与丰富多样而深刻的内容为他带来“结构写实主义大师”的称号,台湾多译为尤萨或罗萨。Mario是名字,Vargas(巴尔加斯)是父亲的姓,Llosa(略萨)是母亲的姓,分别代表Mario父亲和母亲的家族。

Mario BaErJiaSi · LveSa (Mario Vargas Llosa), Peru and Spain have dual nationality writers and poets. Writing novels, plays, prose, poetry and literature review, collection of political essays, also had the director plays, films and presided over the radio and television programs and in politics. The novel techniques and GuiJi wily rich diversity and profound content brought him "structural realism master" title, Taiwan, especially the more or Rosa. Mario is name, Vargas (BaErJiaSi) is father's surname, Llosa (LveSa) is mother's maiden name, on behalf of the father and mother of the family of the Mario.