
1.前半句可以用 like I have promised you before, before是‘曾经,以前’ 的意思 用在这里比较符合你的句子,后半句 if you purchase 5 pieces(PCS), I can give you a discount price。

2.Please inform me of any progress that needs my cooperation. 你原来的'where need my cooperation'是病句,因为你的句子是在假设事情的发生,所以一旦他们需要你的帮助,这个需要(need)应该是过去式,所以是(needed)

3. I originally planned on sending you a Thanksgiving card like other clients. - 意思是: 我本来打算给你寄一张感恩节的祝福卡片,像其他客户的一样。

你如果想加上‘但是却不是你所在国家的感恩节’, 可以用: However I have realised it isn't Thanksgiving in the country you are in.