1、While his interest in these sports began to wane, a passion for?lacrosse?developed.他对这些运动项目的兴趣开始减退的同时,对长曲棍球的兴趣却浓厚起来。
2、So is this your great peace plan?You invite me out so you can rub?lacrosse?guy in my face?这就是你伟大的和平相处计划?你请我来就是为了让我看这个曲棍球员?。
3、But?lacrosse?has grown beyond the popular image of a sport mainly for wealthy private schools.但长曲棍球队已经超出了主要存在于有钱的私立学校这一普遍印象。
4、For instance, if you love?lacrosse, visit the?lacrosse?Museum and National Hall of Fame.比如,如果你喜欢长曲棍球,可以去参观一下长曲棍球博物馆和国家名人堂。
5、The interior of the popular Buick?LaCrosse?was executed in GM's Shanghai design studio.热销款别克君越(LaCrosse)的内饰就是由通用上海设计工作室设计的。
6、Tylashia Joyner says?lacrosse?has helped her think more about her future.特娜西·乔伊纳(Tylashia Joyner)说,长曲棍球帮助她更多地思考未来。