1.take the heat off me
heat,h-e-a-t,你肯定知道它是热量的意思。除此以外,他还有什么意思呢?如果想不到我说两个中文词你感受一下:火烧眉毛、热锅上的蚂蚁。这两个情景下我们都会非常急,一急压力就特别大。所以heat在这里就是压力pressure的意思。take the heat off me就是帮我减压,用现在流行的话说就是帮我挡枪的意思。剧中Ross和Monica这对兄妹的父母对哥哥很满意,但对在餐馆工作的妹妹各种不满,总是会说一些阴阳怪气的话,Monica就像哥哥求救让他跟父母坦白妻子已经出轨并且分开了的事情,这时她对Ross说:Because I think it might take some of the heat off me.?
如果你是单身,过年的时候一定会被七大姑八大姨各种追问:找男朋友没啊?这时候你就使了个颜色给你表姐,然后问她;”表姐,你结婚都一年了,什么时候生娃啊。“这种情况就是: I asked my elder sister to take the heat off me.
2. have a thing for you 对你有感觉
Ross的爸妈骄傲的提到Ross曾经被别人喜欢,爸爸就说:You remember the Lugwin's? The big one had a thing for you,did't she?妈妈傲娇的恢复说:They all had a thing for him!(注意语气)这里的had a thing for sb就表示对某人有感觉,可以替换like。下次如果有人跟你说I have a thing for you可不要天真的以为他是有东西要给你啊。除以此外我们还可以用have a crush on sb 表示同样的意思。
3.?shoot for the stars
下面我们来看看第三个和第四个表达,shoot for the stars 和 sastified with staying?where they are
前面说到他们很欣赏哥哥,而对妹妹不是很满意。这里爸爸就说:Look, there are people, like Ross, who need to shoot for the stars. Other people are satisfied with staying where they are.
第三个表达就是shoot for the stars就表示志向远大的意思。有一个有名的英语句子:If you shoot for the stars, you'll at least hit the moon. 如果你的目标是星星,如果失败了,你也会在月亮上。我们都知道月亮最大最亮因为它是离我们最近的行星,而星星则远的多。所以目标是星星的话要难得多。
单独的短语 shoot for 是争取,为...努力。和 aim for 是一个意思
shoot for/at something:to try to achieve a particular aim, especially one that is very difficult
比如我们公司力争今年增加50的销售额就可以说:We are shooting for a 50% increase in sales in this financial year.
和shoot for the stars相反的人呢就是satisfied with staying where they are,满足于待在原地的人,字幕组翻译的是安于现状,非常贴切了。我们可以注意下where they are这种简单但是却很实用的表达。
4安于现状 satisfied with staying where they are
5. get a credit
剧中Ross的老婆发现自己是同性恋就和Ross分开,和自己的女朋友在一起了。但后来发现自己坏了Ross的孩子,于是要Ross一起陪她到医院做检查。在医院里,Ross和前妻的女朋友因为孩子取什么名字争吵了起来,Ross生气的说She gets a credit. Hey, I'm in there too.这里credit表示有功劳,赞扬;称赞;认可;
比如想说把功劳揽在他自己身上不对:It would be wrong for him to take all the credit .
好了,今天的五个表达就学完了,我们来回顾一下:1. take the heat of me 2. have a thing for sb. 3.shoot for the stars 4 satisfied with staying where they are 5 get a credit
That's all for today. Thank you for listening. See you next time. Bye-bye.