
1、One shall stand,one shall fall.(擎天柱经典,不是你死就是我亡,配上擎天柱的声音,很有味道)

 2、Revenge is mine.(现在,该复仇了。特深沉!!)

 3、This is just the start.(这仅仅是开始,然后是一阵凌厉的.眼神)

 4、There is some things you just can not change.(总有一些事,我们改变不了)

 5、This is my moment.(这是我的时刻,原句是,现在该我了)

 6、I rise.You fall.(我赢了,你输了。成王败寇不解释)

 7、For in those memories,we live on.(我们拥有珍贵的记忆,生生不息)

 8、n any war, there are calms between the storms. There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us… But the day will never come when we forsake this planet and it’s people.(任何战争,风暴之中总会有停息。有一天,我们会失去信心;有一天,我们的战友会背叛我们。但我们永远不会抛弃这个星球和他的人民。变三擎天柱最后说的)

 9、You may lose your faith in us,but never in yourselves.(你没有背叛我 你只是背叛了你自己。擎天柱最后的忠告)

 10、From here on, the fight is yours...(现在,你们开始独自战斗)