<<看着我 >> <<EYES ON ME>>
每当何时唱起我的歌 Whenever sang my songs
站在我自己的舞台上 On the stage,on my own
无论何时说出我的话 Whenever said my words
希望它们都能被听见 Whishing they would be heard
我看见你向着我的笑容 I saw you smiling at me
我不知这是真还是幻 Was it real or just my fantasy
你永远在那小小吧台的角落里 You'd always be there in the corner Of this tiny little bar
这是我为你守侯的最后一晚 My last night here for you
唱起老歌使它重现 Same old songs,just once more 我的最后一晚是和你一起在这里吗?(这是我 My last night here with You ? 改的,原文是:“我在这里和你的最后一晚”)
或许是 或许不是 Maybe yes,maybe no
我友善地接受你的方式 I kind of liked it you're your way
而你看着我时是多么害羞 How you shyly placed your eyes on me
喔!你可曾知道 Oh,did you ever know ?
我是在乎你的 That I had mine on you
亲爱的,是的,你在那儿 Darling,so there you are
我用那样的眼光注视你的脸 With that look on your face
仿佛你从未被伤害 As if you're never hurt
仿佛你从未曾陷落 As if you're never down
我是否能为你变成你眼中的模样 Shall I be the one for you
使你受温柔的苦 但那是真实 Who pinches you softly but sure
若你蹙眉 If frown is shown then
我就将会知道你不是梦境 I will know that you are no dreamer
所以让我靠近你的身边 So let me come to you
近到如我所愿 Close as I wanted to be
与我是足够的接近 Close enough for me
去感觉你加速的心跳 To feel your heart beating fast
我对你耳语请你停留 And stay there as I whisper
我多爱你那看着我的柔和眼神 How I loved your peaceful eyes on me
你可曾知道 Did you ever know
我是在乎你的 That I had mine on you
亲爱的 所以请与我分享 Darling,so share with me
如果你的爱已经停止 Your love if you have enough
如果你的眼泪无法收回 Your tears if you're holding back
或者像是这样的痛苦 Or pain if that's what it is
我怎能让你明白 How can I let you know
我不只是你的所见所听 I'm more than the dress and the voice
只要好好感受我 Just reach me out then
你将知道 你并非在梦境 You will know that you're not dreaming
最终幻想4DS版主题曲:月の明り -ファイナルファンタ——伊藤惠美
[00:34.88]君(きみ)の名前(なまえ) 心(こころ)でつぶやいた〖你的名字 一直徘徊在我心里〗
[00:45.97]この仆(ぼく)の想(おも)いは そこに届(とど)かないのに〖我的思念 却已无法向你传递〗
[00:57.71]今(いま)は远(とお)い 爱(いと)しい面影(おもかけ)が〖远方的你 那惹人怜爱的面容〗
[01:07.78]この夜空(よぞら)に浮(う)かぶ 瞳闭(ひとみと)じても〖浮现夜空 即使我将双眼紧闭〗
[01:19.47]ともに笑(わら)えてた 穏(おだ)やかな日々(ひび)が〖曾与你欢笑 安宁往日的回忆〗
[01:30.59]心(こころ)に 今(いま)も暖(あたた)かく〖如今在心里 依旧温暖如往昔〗
[01:40.60]月(つき)の明(あか)り 青(あお)い夜(よる)に光(ひか)る〖这束月光 镶嵌在蓝色的夜里〗
[01:51.45]あの日々(ひび)の辉(かがや)き 照(て)らし出(だ)すよに〖仿佛照亮 那往日时光的美丽〗
[02:51.48]君(きみ)の涙(なみだ) ぬぐうこともできず〖你的泪滴 我已无法为你拭去〗
[03:02.39]この仆(ぼく)の両手(りょうて)は ここで震(ふる)えてるだけ〖我的双手 如今只会不停战栗〗
[03:13.98]今(いま)は一人(ひとり) 终(お)わりのない旅路(たびじ)〖如今的我 独自走在无尽之旅〗
[03:24.17]疲(つか)れたこの足(あし)で さまようばかり〖疲惫双足 只能一味彷徨来去〗
[03:35.80]ともに过(す)ごした日(ひび) 触(ふ)れた温(ぬく)もりが〖曾与你***度 你留给我的余温〗
[03:47.05]この手(て)に 今(いま)も暖(あたた)かく〖如今在手中 依旧温暖如往昔〗
[03:57.06]月(つき)の明(あか)り ただ静(しず)かに照(て)らす〖这束月光 只是静静挂在夜空〗
[04:07.88]锖(さ)びついたこの胸(むね) かき乱(みだ)すよに〖却勾起了 我锈迹斑斑的思绪〗
[04:19.85]月(つき)の明(あか)り 青(あお)い夜(よる)に光(ひか)る〖这束月光 镶嵌在蓝色的夜里〗
[04:32.84]あの日々(ひび)の辉(かがや)き 照(て)らし出(だ)すよに〖仿佛照亮 那往日时光的美丽〗
最终幻想9主题曲:Melodies Of Life——白鸟英美子
Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark
For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart
To weave by picking up the pieces that remain
Melodies of life - love's lost refain
Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why.
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye.
And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told ?
Let them ring out loud till they unfold.
In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me.
Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name.
A voice from the past, joining yours and mine.
Adding up the layers of harmony.
And so it goes, on and on.
Melodies of life,
To the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and beyond.
So far and way, see the birds as it flies by.
Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky.
I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings.
Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings.
In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me ?
Was it fate that brought us close and now leave me behind ?
A voice from the past, joining yours and mine.
Adding up the layers of harmony.
And so it goes, on and on.
Melodies of life,
To the sky beyond the flying bird - forever and on.
If I should leave this lonely world behind,
Your voice will still remember our melody.
Now I know we'll carry on.
Melodies of life,
Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts, as long as we remember.
风か 寄せた 言叶に 风能带走的我的情话 ka ze ka yo se ta ko to ba ni
泳いだ 心 心飘荡 o yo i da ko ko ro
云か 运ぶ 明日に 云带来的, 是明天 ku mo ka ha ko bu a shi ta ni
弹んだ 声 急促的声音 ha zu n da ko e
月か 摇れる 镜に 在闪烁月光的镜中 tsu ki ka yu ne lu ka ga mi ni
震えた 心 心颤粟 fu ru e ta ko ko ro
星か 流れ こぼれだ 星星划过天际, 洒落 ho shi ka na ga ne ko bo ne da
柔らかい 泪 柔情的泪 ya wa ra ka i na mi da
素敌だね 如此完美 su te ki da ne
二人手をとり 步けたなら 如果两人能够携手同行 fu ta ne n te o to ri a ru ke ta na ra
行きたいよ 想和你同行 i ki ta i yo
キミの街 家 腕の中 手牵手漫步在街中 ki mi no ma chi i e u de no na ka
その胸 偎依在你的怀中 so no mu ne
からだあずけ 所以我想 ka ra da a zu ke
宵にまぎれ 我的梦 yo i ni ma gi ne
梦见る 消散在夜中 yu me ni ru
风は 止まら 言叶は 风带来了温柔的话语 ka ze wa to ma ra ko to ba wa
优しい 幻 宛如幻境 ya sa shi i ma bo lo shi
云に 破れ 明日は 云消雾散的明天 ku mo ni ya bu ne a shi ta wa
远くの 声 传来远远的声音 to o ku no ko e
月か にじむ 镜を 月光似水的镜中 tsu ki ka ni ji mu ka ga mi o
流れた 心 心飘荡 na ga ne ta ko ko ro
星か 摇れて こぼれた 闪烁的星星, 洒落 ho shi ka yu na te ko bo ne ta
隐せない 泪 无法隐藏的泪 ka ku se na i na mi da
素敌だね 如此完美 su te ki da ne
二人手をとり 步けたなら 如果两人能够携手同行 fu ta ni te o to ri a ru ke ta na ra
行きたいよ 想和你同行 i ki ta i yo
キミの街 家 腕の中 手牵手漫步在街中 ki mo no ma chi i e u de no na ka
その颜 能抚摸 so no ka o
そつと触れて 你的脸庞 so o to fu na te
朝に溶ける 我的梦 a sa ni to ke ru
梦见る 融化在晨中 yu me mi ru
君の言叶は 梦の优しさかな?
ウソを全部 覆い隐してる
旅たつ君に 冷たい背中见せて
闻いていたよ ひとり战うの?
意地张って 强いフリ 时を回して
今はできる どんなこども
言えなかった 1000の言叶を
遥かな 君の背中におくるよ
言えなかった 1000の言叶を
伤ついた 君の背中に寄り添い
梦の续きは 君を思いながら
あの日のこと 忘れたふりして
意地张って 强いフリ 时を回して
今はできる どんなことも
闻こえでる? 1000の言叶を
见えない 君の背中におくるよ
闻こえでる? 1000の言叶を
つかれた 君の背中に寄り添い
言えなかった 1000の言叶を
Lalalala… 君の背中におくるよ
闻こえでる? 1000の言叶を
Lalalala… 君の背中に寄り添い
最终幻想12主题曲:Kiss Me Goodbye——Angela Aki
You said my love is all you need,
See you through
But I know these words are not quite true.
Here is the path you're looking for
An open door
Leading to worlds you long to explore
Oh, I'll give you wings to fly,
Cast all your fears into the sky
Kiss me goodbye, love's mystery
All of my life I'll hold you close to me
Don't shed a tear for love's mortality
For you put the dream in my reality
Kiss me goodbye, love's memory
You put the dream in my reality
hitomi no oku gaboyakete mie nai
心の底の 気持ちはあるの?
kokoro no soko no kimochi haaruno ?
sekai no subete wo teni shitatoshitemo
soregaanatano shiawase nano ?
Why 孤独な空を见上げるの?
Why kodoku na sora wo miage runo ?
Why 笑って见せてよ
Why waratte mise teyo
kotoba nisurunoga heta na
anatano seikaku wakarukara
tooi mukashi ni nani gaattano ?
视线をそらす あなたの瞳に
shisen wosorasu anatano hitomi ni
hitori desamishii yoru ni daki shimerareru
sonna data kasa shitte ru ?
Why どうして形にこだわるの?
Why doushite katachi nikodawaruno ?
Why 心を开いて
Why kokoro wo hirai te
ooki na nimotsu wo seotta
anatawo ukeire rareru chikara
あるわ 信じてみて…
aruwa shinji temite ...
jiyuu na hito ha bukiyou de ...
jiyuu na hito ha fuan de ...
Why 孤独な空を见上げるの?
Why kodoku na sora wo miage runo ?
Why 笑って见せてよ
Why waratte mise teyo
kotoba nisurunoga heta na
anatano seikaku wakarukara
shinji temite
最终幻想7ac主题曲:《Safe and Sound》
And all my hopes and dreams
Aren't for anyone
I keep them safe and sound
And hope this picture is
Not yours anymore
But can you hear me now?
Now that's okay man
I'll say it across this land,
You should've kissed me baby
So try and stop me
Or so forgive this light
Cuz I can't beg all night
Until my heart stops beating
You'll never hear me say
I won't kiss you
If I say,
It's lost its beating
If I can't find my way
It's over now
But I won't Walk away
Until the day
(Whoa, whoa)
I'm never backing down
(Whoa, whoa)
And hear me say
(Whoa, whoa)
I'll keep it safe and sound
(Whoa, whoa)
I'll keep it safe and…
This hopeless feeling
This fear of falling down
But I'm not crashing now
For all this bleeding
It wasn't worth the sound
A million screaming out loud
And still
The earth comes reeling
The curtain calls my name
I'm not afraid
And I know
You may not miss me
But I am not ashamed
The choice I made
But I can't
Let this go
Until the day
(Whoa, whoa)
I'm never backing down
(Whoa, whoa)
Just hear me say
(Whoa, whoa)
I'll keep it safe and sound
(Whoa, whoa)
I'll keep it safe and…
No dashing car
Or a dying star
That's raced into the ground
Like the final words
Of the passengers
Will the angels give it all?
We're the world
Watch us fall
Until the day
(Whoa, whoa)
I'm never backing down
(Whoa, whoa)
Just hear me say
(Whoa, whoa)
I'll keep it safe and sound
(Whoa, whoa)
Keep it safe and sound
(Whoa, whoa)
Keep it safe and sound
(Whoa, whoa)
Keep it safe and sound
(Whoa, whoa)
Keep it safe and sound
(Whoa, whoa)
Keep it safe and sound