帮忙一下吧谢谢!为什么我用万能鲨鱼遥控器还是输? 为什么?
万.能.鲨.鱼.遥.控.器-全球通l88-531-228-57 ``````要说赢钱的话 这里可是有点门 道的 支你两招 这个最好配上遥控器 现在只有遥控器才是最挣钱的 也只有这个才是真的 这个其实也没什么法宝 好的仪器不用咱去说了 剩下的就要靠自己多多练习了``````
`````` control is really also only this is the most attached to logical this thing at the beginning of time there may be some raw and cooked it requires a lot of practice makes perfect? Only in this way can play `````` AA