名侦探柯南第616集 福尔摩斯的默示录(名侦探的弟子)中开头的英文对话是什么意思?


戴安娜.金斯顿(老太太):Oh Venus(喔,维纳斯!!)

I am glad you are unhurt(太好了--你没事啊!!)

Thank you for finding her(非常感谢你们找到了她!!)

兰:My father is a detective(因为我爸爸是个侦探!)

戴安娜.金斯顿(老太太):How admirable(太好了!)

I am fond of crime novels!Though I had like to hear stories,I will take a flight to home,soon---(我可是个推理迷!本来想听您说几个故事,但是我要赶飞机了---)

Would not you mind if Iinvite you to London where Iive,please?(我想招待您到我伦敦的家里去玩,可以吗?)


柯南:Not at all!!(嗯,非常乐意!!)

戴安娜.金斯顿(老太太):Oh,you would come!(喔,那你们会来对吧!)


柯南:That is all ringt!(嗯,好的!)

Thank you manˋam!!(谢谢你,阿姨!!)


柯南:Can Ihave a seat?(我可以坐一下吗?)

保安:Of course!(当然!)


阿波罗.格拉斯:No kidding!I am sure Holmes is here!!(骗人!!我明明福尔摩斯就在这里的!)

Let me see him!(快点让我见他)

保安:Mr. Holmes is out for investigation(都说了,福尔摩斯先生出去工作了---)

阿波罗.格拉斯:What kind of case?(是什么案子啊?)

保安:He is----(那,那个-----)

阿波罗.格拉斯:See?You lied to me!(看!你骗人!)

Save your time, or a person will be killed?!Nobady can not stop this but Holmes(不快点的话,有人要被杀了啊?!只有福尔摩斯才能阻止!)

Oh,no!My sister is almost staring a match.Ihave to fiy there!(遭了!姐姐的比赛开始了要快点回去才行!)

保安:Can I listen to you?(你可以和我说说吗?)


犯人:Do you like tennis?(你喜欢网球吗?)

阿波罗.格拉斯:Yes!Becase it thrills me!(嗯!因为看球会让我兴奋!)

犯人:Lucky you --You will get a greater thrill than you expect--(那你很幸运--你会尝到让你更兴奋的事情哦--)


犯人:Murdered, a person will be-- somewhere in London.Sure in your presence(有人会死哦--在这个伦敦的某处--没错--就在你的眼前--)

Tell Scotland Yard--That is my Revelations--(去告诉伦敦警视厅--只是我的启示录--)

If it never makes sense,leave it to Holmea--(如果怎么也解不开的话,就去请求福尔摩斯吧--)


阿瑞斯.阿希礼:Hey,I have got you!(啊!终于找到你了!)

Do not leave by yourself!.I have been looking for you!(不要再乱跑了!我找了你好久了!)

Let us get back!She is about to play!(我们回赛场去吧!你姐姐的比赛马上开始了!)