
彼得·斯莫尔死了Pete Smalls Is Dead (2010)

Queen of the Lot (2010)

肩膀和鼻子的城市City of Shoulders and Noses (2009)

纽约街头游戏New York Street Games (2009)

短剑风波Stiletto (2008)

幻影拳击手Phantom Punch (2008)

心灵暗角The Unknown Trilogy (2008)

和平女神Irene in Time (2008)

愤怒乒乓球Balls of Fury (2007)

呛烟高手Smokin' Aces (2006)

选美警花2Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005)

Angels with Angles (2005)

Nobody Wants Your Film (2005)

饭后甜点Just Desserts (2004)

业余赌徒Bookies (2003)

千面谜城Boomtown (2002)

十三个月亮13 Moons (2002)

The Hollywood Sign (2001)

詹姆斯·迪恩James Dean (2001)

NewsBreak (2000)

黑道家族The Sopranos (1999)

紧急动员The Siege (1998)

变种The Relic (1997)

计外计Flipping (1997)

惊爆摩天楼Skyscraper (1997)

轰天奇兵The Phantom (1996)

To the Limit (1995)

四个房间Four Rooms (1995)

脱线家族The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)

肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

染血罗密欧Romeo Is Bleeding (1993)

跨世奇人Being Human (1993)

不死的传说Innocent Blood (1992)

UHF (1989)

小爸爸大儿子Vice Versa (1988)

Shakedown (1988)

怪物小分队The Monster Squad (1987)

13号星期五Friday the 13th (1987)

地下裁判团The Star Chamber (1983)

Nunzio (1978)

巫师的战争Wizards (1977)

哈里和沃尔特去纽约Harry and Walter Go to New York (1976)

穷街陋巷Mean Streets (1973)

灰姑娘假期Cinderella Liberty (1973)