
问题一:舞狮表演用英语怎么说 lion dance performance

问题二:舞狮表演用英语怎么说 你好!


Lion dance

问题三:求关于舞狮采青的英语词汇信息 Lion dance is a traditional Chinese folk art. 舞狮是中国传统的民间艺术。

we Chinese do this to celebrate the spring festival.我们中国人舞狮来庆祝春节。

lion dance has a history of over 1,000 years.舞狮已经有1000多年历史了。

also,during the festival, *** s wrapped money with red paper,and then give them to kids.

it is called lucky money.春节期间,成年人也会把钱用红纸包起来,送给小孩子,这就是压岁钱。


问题四:舞狮子用英语该怎么说, 舞狮子lion dance

问题五:怎样翻译舞龙舞狮舞龙舞狮用英文怎么说 怎样翻译舞龙舞狮舞龙舞狮用英文怎么说

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